MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Jade Nunes (GET President 2020, 2021) | SDB Contracting Services

I'm Jade - Tucson-native turned Phoenix aficionado. I'm a graduate of the University of Arizona (Bear Down!) where I obtained my degree in Journalism with an interest in intercultural studies and business writing.
I've since held jobs with Habitat for Humanity, and two architecture firms in Phoenix, where I've sold the service of architecture, and marketed for pursuit of new business. In my free time, I love to hike, indoor rock climb, and drink as many local craft beers as possible. I'm passionate about supporting local businesses and nonprofits through volunteering my time, resources, and skills.
How did you start getting involved with GET?
My first GET event was with AZ Helping Hands in 2017. I showed up ready to sling business cards, but instead, was introduced to some amazing young professionals who were all there to volunteer, laugh, and have a good time. That night, I met people who would be come some of my closest friends. I have attended almost every GET event since.
Why did you decide to become a GET Phoenix Member?
I joined GET Phoenix because I fell in love with the mission of "Growing Emerging Talent."
I had attended a slew of networking events and GET Phoenix's calendar of philanthropic, educational, a social networking events was by far the most welcoming, and most engaging.
Fun fact about yourself?
I love to fish! Deep sea fishing is my favorite.